Large Animal

Country Place Veterinary Clinic provides dependable veterinary care to large animal pet owners in St. Martinville, Catahoula, Coteau Holmes, and the surrounding areas of Louisiana. Dr. Megan Simon supplies health care for most domestic large animal species such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, and other farm animals. She conducts annual basic health exams, vaccinations, and blood testing. In addition to attending animals that are unwell due to sickness or disease, she also provides wound care and treats lame or injured animals. Our experienced veterinarian also assists with pregnancy and problem births, and offers equine and cattle reproductive services, in addition to large animal surgeries such as castration.

Large animal ambulatory service are offered by appointment. For our farm calls, we offer routine preventative care, diagnosis and treatment of sick animals, along with a variety of limited veterinary medical and surgical procedures. We are happy to come to you, call to schedule an appointment.
Below you will find a more comprehensive listing of our large animal services:

- Exams
- Farm Calls
- Routine vaccines
- Coggins Test
- Equine Dentistry
- Sheath Cleaning
- Health Certificates
- Cattle Pregnancy Checks
- Equine Reproductive Services and Consultation
- Parasite Evaluation
- Herd Healthcare
- Minor Field Surgical Services
- Bloat, Toxicities, Lacerations, and Wounds
